Welcome to Beyond Horizons with Heather - I'm Heather, and I'm thrilled you're here! I firmly believe that travel should be accessible to everyone, from curious college students to adventurous solo travelers, blissful newlyweds, busy families, lively friend groups, mature retirees, and individuals with disabilities. My goal is to inspire everyone to venture beyond their own horizons!

With my extensive travel experience, including visits to over 25 countries, 19 cruises, and stays at 12 all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean, I have crafted a talent for creating personalized itineraries that deliver unforgettable moments and everlasting memories. If I had a dollar for every time someone suggested I become a travel agent, I would have more than enough funds to embark on amazing journeys with all of you! You can count on my travel expertise to help you plan the perfect vacation that suits your budget, interests, and requirements.

My passion for travel blossomed during college while caring for Dr. K, a dear person in my life. Dr. K was an avid globetrotter until a surfing accident in Hawaii left him in a motorized wheelchair. We often discussed his pre-accident adventures and his dreams of post-accident trips, all of which required meticulous planning to accommodate his special needs. It was then that I discovered my deep-seated passion for turning these travel dreams into reality for everyone.

My innate giving and nurturing spirit merge seamlessly with my love for travel, enabling me to offer you the most exceptional travel experiences. I aspire to encourage and assist anyone willing to explore and embrace the beauty of our world to do so to the fullest extent!

Let's transform those bucket list items into cherished memories, as I strive to create dream experiences for all!

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